PROJECT : Pixelate Trump Card
I've always wanted to plan a post-modern design project. Among the many post-modern design projects, I wanted to design something that was averaged by collecting the designs of participants. This project was started with the intention that something interesting might come from the process of schematizing the already schematized image once more.
We provided a given image (image of a trump set) and a pixelated template to several people and made them go through a simplification process according to the manual. By combining the collected work in various forms, I selected the type and built a democratically generated trump card set. Below is the detailed sequence of the process.
Pixelation Template
Trump's four symbols (clover, spade, heart, and diamond) and four figures (king, queen, jack, and joker) were simplified using given colors and grid frames.

2. Collected Designs
In accordance with the given template, people completed the design of the shapes and figures through their own simplification process. As you can see from the results, there are quite a few choices and directions. Even in color selection, there were various results.

3. Design Summation
The average value was calculated by superimposing the shapes and colors of the designs collected from the participants. Then, I compared the created images by giving each result a value ranging from 10% to 100% transparency. I examined the results of five different values of transparency – 10% transparency derived an image that can check the statistical tendency of the participant’s decisions while 100% transparency derived an image that can check the extent to which all the cells were used.

4. Actual Card
After checking the results, I selected 10% transparency since it felt the most democratic in a way.