PROJECT : Onomatopoeia
Although it was a bit of a challenge, I've always had a thirst for synesthetic projects. Sound has historically been visualized in various forms, such as characters, sheet music, and the language of comic books. In the process of carrying out the project, it will be necessary to verify whether the created symbols are actually readable. However, from the process of subdividing and categorizing the phonetic phenomena of language to the stage of visualizing the fragments of such categorized sounds, it was an opportunity to summarize the structural characteristics of auditory language.
The signs were designed based on points and lines, and the continuous and linear characteristics of voices were simplified with lines. Various plosives are expressed as lines crossing the symbol, and the beginning and end of the voice are expressed as empty and filled circles. Sometimes, the structure of the oral cavity, which is the organ of voice implementation, was used as a formal clue, and a lot of time and effort was put into intuitively visualizing the character of the vocal information. It’s in the form of a presentation in which language is replaced by other symbols, but I would like to clarify that the symbols are derived based on the recorded voice.