PROJECT : Elevator


The process materializing invisible data and visualizing information is one of my biggest interest. I initiated the project by creating data of the movements of elevators that constantly moving in the apartment I live in. In some cases, I saved a lot of time by having the elevator located on the near floor, and sometimes I had to wait in the hallway for a long time due to the bad timing.

Although it may be a small inconvenience, this project, which started with the idea of what it would be like to know the location of the elevators in real time, has developed into a more interesting project when I started to develop a number of different cases where data can be visualized. The three-dimensional positional relationship can be expressed in many different ways depending on the perspective. I think the visuals listed in that way can be used as more expanded visual assets.


The idea of visualizing the placement of each elevator may sound like a simple approach, but I think it is an interesting device that can extract variety of formative cases that four points can create. The relationship between each point, which is expressed in various ways based on where the viewpoint is and how the space is expressed, is also an important visual context. The video expresses the digital animation of their movement.


Where's Waldo AR

